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Ellen Elizabeth Barmore |
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The front and edge of Ellen's 1894 diary. It measures 5" wide x 3.25" high x 0.5" thick. |
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The inside of Ellen's diary & entries for January 1-2, 1894. |
- My annotations are in square brackets. Larger sections have a set of asterisks at the top and bottom.
- For ease of reading, I inserted a dash between the phrases in Ellen's entries.
- I used italics to highlight portions of some entries.
- Ellen calls Jamestown "Town" or "the City." She calls Gerry "the village."
- Gerry was formerly called "Bucklin's Corners." (See Town of Gerry, NY - Our History to learn more about the area.)

- an adopted
daughter, Annetta, married to Louis Pillsbury.
- a son, Mason
Allen, married to Cristelle Harris (children Ashley and Marguerite).
- a son, Otis
Robert, married to Selma Hult (children Otis, Gertrude, and
- Fredrick "Fred" Fairbanks, an adopted son who, according to my grandmother, Gertrude Sealy,
was taken from the Gerry Orphanage (it opened in June 1889 – see pp. 190-191 in the link). Fred, age 12, and three siblings are in the facility in the 1892 NY State Census.
The Towns of Gerry & Ellicott in Chautauqua County, New York from an 1867 land ownership and reference atlas. (ancestry.com) I added the highlighting and locations of the Sealy and Newton farms. |
Mon. Jan. 1, 1894
Pleasant - Mason & Hiram went down to Charley Newton looking over his farm - I am cleaning hous all qite well
Tuesday 2
Pleasant - Hiram went to town to see about traiding farms - Mason went after hired girl
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Ellen's January 3-6, 1894 entries. |
Wed. Jan. 3, 1894
Very nice day - Hiram & myself went to Otises - Otis drew straw from the Jay farm - Father Sealy went up to Hoopers came back at night
Thursday 4
Fri. Jan. 5, 1894
Rain to day - Charley Newton came up to see our farm - Otis & Selma went to the village to mill & stoped here on their way home
Saturday 6
Snowing - the ground bare to day - Hiram & myself went down to Lewises - they
are going west Tuesday - I bakeing bread & buisy all day
long - I am hard to be understood by my
hous hold
[Left: Hiram's father, Peter Sealy (1807-1896), and his third wife, Diana Lenox. Peter was twice widowed.]
Sun. Jan. 7, 1894
Snow a little - The ground is all bare - Fred & myself went to meating - Hiram staid at home with his Father & Ashley
Monday 8
Pleasant no sleighing - Fred went to school - Hiram not feeling well - I am about the house work as usual to day - I want to keep the Lord always before my face
Tues. Jan. 9, 1894
Pleasant all day - I went down to Lucinda Barmores [Lucinda is Ellen's sister-in-law.] - staid to meating at night ashley went also - This is a week all over the nation - praer [prayer] our church
[On January 9, 1894, at Washington, D.C.'s Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Hon. Frederick Douglass delivered his "The Lessons of the Hour" speech (a Library of Congress holding), which addressed the often referred to "Negro problem" of the time. Refusing to believe that African Americans were to blame for the racial tension and violence between African Americans and whites, his speech included such topics as lynching, suffrage, colonization and the need for America to eliminate prejudice and adhere to its founding principles. (See Internet Archive for the full text.)]
Thur. Jan. 11, 1894
Snowed a little - I am sick in bed with a cold - Lucinda B came up to day - Hiram doing the hous work he does well at it - Mason
killed hogs for Mr Allen to day
Friday 12
Pleasant all day - Hiram & Fred doing the washing - I am up but do nuthing but knit
Sat, Jan. 13, 1894
Pleasant all day - Lucinda
came up to bake for me - I am feeling better to day - Hiram
& Mason went down to the Newton farm - Brother & Sister Cross came over [The Crosses and Sealys attended the same church.]
Sunday 14
Pleasant to day - they all went to meating but me - Otis & Selma came up to Supper
Mon. Jan. 15, 1894
Raining all day - Hiram went to Town to day - Croses folks went home - Mason
came over here a little while - we have mud mud
Tuesday 16
Pleasant all day - We are all qite well - Hiram & Mason went down to the Newton farm to look it over - I am buisy at hous work
Wed. Jan. 17, 1894
Pleasant - but mud all the while - Hiram went to Town again to day - Otis came up in the morning paid his Father some money - Mason came over at night.
Thursday 18
Raining qite hard - I am ironing to day - Hiram & Fred helping Mason bootcher pigs - Ashley went home to day - it is lonesome without him at our home
Fri. Jan. 19, 1894
Pleasant Sun Shone - Mason & Hiram went to Town with hogs - pork is 7 cts per pound - Fred doing chores
Saturday 20
Raining - Hiram went to the Village bought bought Flour & Sugar & Crackers & Coffee beaf - Fred washing I am helping a little - Sold 2½ doz eggs at 20 cts per doz
Sun. Jan. 21, 1894
Raining - mud mud all the while - Hiram & Fred went to church I did not go out
Monday 22
Pleasant all day - I am bakeing cookies & Bread - Hiram went over to Austens & to Town in the afternoon - Mason came over after a sack of flour - Hiram got money out of the Bank - Criseys Bank
Tues. Jan. 23, 1894
Pleasant all day - Hiram went up to the village - Otis came up - I am making mince pies - buisy as bees - Mason went to Town
Wednesday 24
Snowing & Blowing - Hiram
["Waist" is the abbreviated form of "shirtwaist." Popular
in the 1890s, shirtwaists were women's blouses fashioned after men's
shirts. They had buttons, and often pleats, down the front. Sometimes women wore them with a black tie around the neck.]
[Between the demise of restrictive bustles in the late 1880s and the practicality of the comfortable shirtwaist throughout the 1890s, women were able to move more freely and participate in an activity that had become all the rage...riding bicycles.]
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Right: The young woman cyclist in this 1890s
tintype is wearing a pleated shirtwaist.
(Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History)
Let me tell you what I think of bicycling.
I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand
and rejoice every time I see a woman ride
by on a wheel. It gives a woman a feeling
of freedom and self reliance.
~ Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906),
women's rights activist
* * *
Thur. Jan. 25, 1894
Snowing qite bad - Hiram drew one load of lumber down to the flat - I am buisy all day long
Friday 26
Snowing no sleighing - I am at work at my trade - Hiram toock a load of lumber down to Ross Mill - Mason came over at night
Sat. Jan. 27, 1894
Pleasant - Mason & Manda came over to take up carpet - Hiram and Fred went down to the new home with a load & cleaned out the barn - I am buisy as a bee - my hard
Sunday 28
Pleasant to day - Hiram is in with a cold I am in also - Fred went to Sabbath School
Mon. Jan. 29, 1894
Snowing & blowing - Hiram went down to our new home to move Mrs Newton things goods - Mason bootchered a cow
Tuesday 30
Pleasant - sleighing - Mason toock beef to Town - Hiram doing choers all day - Frederic doing Otises choers so he can draw lumber from Town
Wed. Jan. 31, 1894
Snowing - Sleighing - Hiram toock a load of wood down to the flat house - Mason toock Manda Johnson home & bought a beaf
Thur. Feb.1
Pleasant Sleighing - all well - Hiram & Otis went to Town - Mason killed heifer for beef we had one qarter of beef of him - Sold 3 doz of Eggs 16 cts per doz
Fri. Feb. 2, 1894
Pleasant all day - Sleighing - Candlemas the Bear must have seen his shadoe - Hiram toock one load of goods down to the flat - Mason helping load up - we bought a qarter of Beef - I am packing up to move & so is life but the Lord makes happy sole & boddy
[Candlemas the Bear? This piqued my interest. As it turns out, Imbolc, Candlemas, and Groundhog Day are three traditions linked by a common date − February 2. Imbolc was a festival based on a Celtic celebration in the ancient, pre-Christian British Isles around 500 BC. The "Feast of Lights" marked the halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox (Feb. 1-2). Candlemas Day, celebrated in European countries, has its roots in Christianity, beginning around the 4th century AD. It is observed on February 2. Groundhog Day was first observed in the U.S. on February 2, 1887. This comes from a German tradition of a hibernating animal predicting how much longer winter will last. Also see Candlemas.]
Saturday 3
Pleasant & Sleighing - good for the People to do some work that they could not do without Sleighing - Hiram drew one load of furniture to day
Sun. Feb. 4, 1894
Snowing - Sleighing - Hiram & Fred went to meating - Mason came over a little while
Monday 5
Pleasant - Sleighing - we washing & the men thrashing Beans & drew one load of wood - we are packing up to move - Mason toock Grandpa over to Elery to day
Tues. Feb. 6, 1894
Pleasant & warm - The men drew one load of goods down to the flat & making stansels for the cows - I am all alone Except the dog to day - I am happy to day - religion makes me happy
Wednesday 7
Pleasant - Sleighing - We are moveing every day - I am tierd out
Thurs. Feb. 8, 1894
Barmore died - Pleasant - Sleighing - yet Hiram moveing & I am buisy packing up
Friday 9
Raining - mud & we went up to the Village - Mr Wilson paid rent - Hiram bought 2 Sacks of flour 2 pound coffee 5 gal oil 1 pound soda - Hiram & Fred had their hair cut
Sat. Feb. 10, 1894
Snowing & wind - All mud - Hiram & Fredric moving - yet I am picking up - our qartely meating begins to day but I do not go out in the wind & storm
Sunday 11
Snowing still but not any sleighing - Hiram & Fred went down to meating & to Erdis Barmores funeral she will be berried at ross flats cemetery
Mon. Feb. 12, 1894
Snowing & blowing verry hard - we moved every thing full of snow bad beginning
Tuesday 13
Snowing - Sleighing - Hiram drew another
of goods - I am almost crazy with a mus - Otis
went down to falconer after mr Hult
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Track speeder (Cornell University Library Digital Collections) |
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Early mechanized level party with hand-velocipede. (1902 NOAA John Hayford Album) |
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1881 Land Ownership map for Ross Mills (ancestry.com) |
Friday 23
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Spring Ploughing in New England, c. 1899. George E. Tingley, photographer. (LOC) |
Snoing again to day - there is a qite a little snow - the men drew out wood to day - I am making carpet for Bed room - Mr. Hickcock here all day
* * *
[Ellen could have been making a rag rug or a hooked rug. She only mentions it in three entries but I imagine it would have taken longer than that to complete the rug. Rag rugs, usually made from old, worn out woolen clothing torn into strips and then braided, coiled, knitted, crocheted, or woven together, were popular in the 1890s to about 1910. Hooked rugs were made by using a tool similar to a crochet hook to pull loops of fabric scraps through a backing material, usually feed sacks in the late 1800s.]
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A crocheted rag rug in progress (HubPages) |
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Left: Rug hooking tool (Mother Earth News) and right: A work in progress (dreamstime) |
~ Unknown, circa 19th century
* * *
Thursday 12
Hiram went to the city to day - Mason drew drafts to Peaters for wood - I went over to Masons staid all day - Mr. Hickock here to breakfast - Sold one doz Eggs 12 cts
Fri. April 13, 1894
Pleasant and nice as summer to day - our men went after hay up to the Partridge place - I am making carpet
Saturday 14
Pleasant - we churned & the men at home at work all day - Otis & Selma were to supper - Amon commensed work for a year [Amel not Amon – see Apr 24]
Sun. April 15, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Fred went to church I went up to see Otis - he is better of his cold - I will thank the Lord for all of his benefits to us - Praise the Lord
Monday 16
Pleasant - Hiram & Fredric F went after hay up to the Gates place - Mason helping Otis get fence posts - Otis is better - I am bakeing
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Two women in a kitchen, 1892. |
Tues. April 17, 1894
Pleasant - we washing - the men at home all day - I cought cold as usual
Wednesday 18
Pleasant - the men drew brush today & I went over to Masons a little - no news today
Thurs. April 19, 1894
Pleasant - our men at home all day - they churned & sowing a few oats - I went over to Masons - Otis went to Town
Friday 20
Raining - Mason & Fredric went to Town - sold Butter for 20 cts per pound - bought Fredric a new pair of shoes - Sold ½ doz Eggs for 12 cts per doz
Sat. April 21, 1894
Rained - Mason & the man making milk stand - Hiram went the village - Hickox trimming to apple trees for Mason - Bought 1 sack of flour & ½ doz Lemmons - Hiram bought [incomplete]
Sunday 22
Pleasant - we were at home all day - I am the victim of another cold
Mon. April 23, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram went to Jamestown - Mason at home all day - I am at home all day - Ashley is sick with cold at our house
Tuesday 24
Pleasant All day - Hiram went to Town again to day - I am not verry well having a cold all of the time - Mason & Amel went aft the cattle Hiram bought
Wed. April 25, 1894
Pleasant every day - Hiram started after cows to day [He was gone for 11 days.]
Thursday 26
Pleasant - have not heard from Hiram yet - Mason working on the road & went to Gerry - I went over to Masons to help churn
Fri. April 27, 1894
Pleasant - it verry pleasant indeed - o the spring time I enjoy so mutch - I have got a bad cough - Cristelle went up to Gerry after some cough syrup for me - Mason sowing oats & peas - Sold 6½ doz Eggs at 12 cts per doz
Saturday 28
Pleasant all day - Cristelle is sick & I went over there to help do the work - Mason shearing his sheep
Sun. April 29, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram still away buying cows - I hope he will be with cristian people to day - I am lonesome this sabboth day - but the Lord is present with me
Monday 30
Pleasant still - Mason planted potatoes & sowed oats the first - I am doing hous work to day & every day
Tues. May 1, 1894
Pleasant - Mason sowing oats - Fred went after feed to Falconer - I am Sick & Cristelle is sick also with a bad cough - Hiram has not returned home yet - Sold 2 doz Eggs for 12 cts per doz
Wednesday 2
Pleasant - Mason making a place for the cows when they come - Otis went to Falconer after feed - 9 callers today - Lucinda staid all night with me
Thurs. May 3, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram has not came home yet - Mason & the Boys sowing oats up on the Williams place - I went over to Masons in the after noon
Friday 4
Pleasant - beatuful spring - Hiram has not came home yet we loocking for him every night - Otis came down to supper
Sat. May 5, 1894
Raining - Hiram comeing to night did come - Mason & Fred went to Falconer at 10 o’clock at night to drive them home but it was so dark they had to leave them till Sunday morning - I went over to Masons - Mrs Harris & Mrs Munger came to Masons
Sunday 6
Rained a little - we did not realize mutch Sunday it happened so the Lord forgive us the Lord he is good
Mon. May 7, 1894
Pleasant - indeed all day - Hiram went to Jamestown in the afternoon - I am peaceing parlor carpet - Mason finished shearing his sheep - Fredric Farebanks & Amel plowing
Tuesday 8
Pleasant - the Boys sowing oats - Hiram selling cows - Get one hen upon Turkeys Eggs - Sold 4 doz of Eggs for 12 cts per doz
Wed. May 9, 1894
Pleasant all day - well Hiram went to Town again to day - Mason & the Boys sowing Oats - I am doing nothing mutch but cough - Mrs Hul washing for us
Thursday 10
Pleasant - I am coughing all the day the long - the men making wire fence - I am making a Shirt for Fred - Otis over on the Nickels place
Fri. May 11, 1894
Pleasant - HN Sealy & Mason was at home sowing Oats - I am doeing a work around the house I am feeling qite bad
Saturday 12
Pleasant - Hiram went to qartely meating - I am at home every day - Sister Cross & Ada here
Sun. May 13, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram wen to qartely meating - I am in yet do not fee verry well
Monday 14
Pleasant - Mason went to Town with his wool - Hiram at home all day - Otis was 28 years old today - we bought one sack of flour - Sold 3 doz Eggs for 10 cts per doz
Tues. May 15, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram at home all day he making garden - Mason went over to Mr Mungers to blast stone - I am at my trade coocking & washing dishes, the Lord is on my side if I do his will
Wednesday 16
Pleasant - Mason went to town with calves - Hiram putting garden - I am busy as a bee
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The Old Farm Yard. Stereograph card (left side) by Geo. Barker, photographer, Niagara Falls, New York, copyright 1890. (Library of Congress) |
Thurs. May 17, 1894
Rained to day - Mason diped his lambs in tobacco - Hiram busy at home all day - I am qite busy & feeling a little better to day - Fred Fairbanks went a fishing but caught none
[Immersing sheep (sheep dipping) in a solution that contained nicotine and other noxious chemicals killed insect pests such as sheep scab and lice.]
Friday 18
Rained to day - Hiram & myself put down the carpet in the dining room - Mason & the boys drove his sheep up to the [incomplete]
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It rained from Friday, May 18 through Sunday the 20th. The Sealy farm was less than a 1/2 mile from Cassadaga Creek and Folsom Creek flowed through their property. |
Sat. May 19, 1894
Raining verry hard - verry high watter - our men at home ecept Hiram & Otis went up to Fred Barmores & Otis sold some cattle to Mr Partridge - I am around the hous
Sunday 20Raining - we all inside the watter verry high in the casedaga crick
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The Town of Ellicott, Chautauqua County, New York cropped from an 1881 land ownership and reference atlas. (ancestry.com)
Notice that the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburgh Railroad (in
green) runs through Ross Mills. I added highlighting and additional
labeling. |
Mon. May 21, 1894
Pleasant - Mason & Fred went after hay - Hiram helping wash & fixing fence - I am tired
Tuesday 22
Pleasant - Hiram making fence - Mason & Fredric went after hay - I am bakeing Bread & pies
Wed. May 23, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram went up to Jerrys to Gerry - Sister McGeary came here - HN bought a new pair of rubber boots - Hiram got a new Boock title health wealth hapiness - Arbella Ross paid 3 dollars on pasture
[Health, Wealth and Happiness: How to Attain and Retain Each to the End of Life by Edward S. Ellis, published in 1892]
Thursday 24
Raining - the ground all afloat the men making wire fence - I went over to Masons a little while
Fri. May 25, 1894
Rained - I went up to Otises - Cristelle & the children went up to Searses - Hiram went over to see his Father - Mason & the Boys drew manure & Otis also drew manure
Saturday 26
Pleasant - Hiram & Fred making board fence - Mason & Amel drew manure - I went over to masons a little while
Sun. May 27, 1894
Pleasant - we were at home except going up to the Williams place - Mason & Cristelle went over to Harrises
Monday 28
Mason went to Town bought Fred a new pair of rubber Boots & Mason a new pair - Hiram fixing fence - I am about the hous work - Sold 8 doz & ½ of Eggs for 10½ ct per doz
Tues. May 29, 1894
Raining - we washing - Hiram fixing fence - Mason & Fredric dragging corn ground
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Wednesday 30
Raining - every day our men planted a little corn -
Cristelle & the Baby went over to Mr Mungers - Mrs
Hult came up to Otises
[Left: Selma with her adopted parents, Conrad
Hult and Katie I. Johnson]
Thurs. May 31, 1894
Rain every day - our men planting corn - Otis
went to Town - I am at home every day -
Cristelle gone away
Fri. June 1
Raining every day - Hiram & Fred went up to
Fred Barmore mill - Mason & Amel cleaning out the
sellar - I am busy about my buisness - Hiram
helping Otis get his engine out of the woods
[Did Otis have a steam engine of some type to
help with the logging?]
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Line drawing of a Burrell Universal type Ploughing Engine from around 1890 (Wikimedia) |
Sat. June 2, 1894
Rained all day - the men around the hous all day - this is a world of angsiety & care but life is short at the longest
Sunday 3
Pleasant - till night & we had more rain - it would be surprised to se one peasant day all day long
Mon. June 4, 1894
Pleasant - we washed - Hiram went to Town - Mason went to Town with wood - Fredric went up to Otises - I am at home every day - bought one Sack flour
Tuesday 5
Pleasant - Hiram in the woods with Otises oxen drawing logs - Mason & Fredric helping Otis about his corn ground - Cristelle & the children went up to Gerry on the train - Set one turkey
Wed. June 6, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram in the woods skidding logs - Mason went up to Gerry - Fredric helping Otis plant corn
Thursday 7
Raining - our men all in the woods all day - Otis planting corn - I am around the hous to work
Fri. June 8, 1894
Pleasant all day - the men all in the woods all day - drew logs to the crick - I am making me a new sun Bonnet
Saturday 9
Pleasant - Hiram went up to the Village & to Mr Hoopers - Mason sick all day - did not do any work - I am buisy of cows
Sun. June 10, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Fredric went to meating - Mason went after the family - Otis down to the Barn at night
Monday 11
Pleasant all day - Hiram [lauging?] for Potatoes - Mason drew lumber for Barn - I am cleaning hous a little
Tues. June 12, 1894
Pleasant - the men drew lumbe from Levant - I am working the hous - Otis went up to Jerry farm [Hiram's brother, Jeremiah] - had one jar of Butter
Wednesday 13
Pleasant - Hiram finished clearing off a peace for potatoes - Mason drew lumber from Levant - I am washing to day
* * *
Below: A mangle manufactured by the American Wringer Company of New York, circa 1898.
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Gibson House Museum |
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Wash Day A Backyard Reminiscence of Brooklyn. 1886. William Merritt Chase. Oil on panel. (Wikimedia) |
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(Wikimedia Commons - Photo by Gnangarra - CC 2.5). |
To be efficient, two irons were needed. One could be heating on the stove or in front of a fire while the other was in use.
Right: Tranby House irons, 1800s
* * *
Thurs. June 14, 1894
Pleasant but warm - Hiram & Cristelle & Ashley & myself went to Town - bought Ashley a new suit of clothes & myself a shawl also
Friday 15
Hiram clearing of a peace for potatoes - Mason drew lumber from Levant - I am buisy at my work - Otis & Selma went to Town
Sat. June 16, 1894
Pleasant - I went up to Otises a little while - Hiram finished the potatoe ground - Mason drew lumber - Otis sowing corn
Sunday 17
Pleasant - we were at home all day - Mr & Mrs Barmore Hubbard were here
Mon. June 18, 1894
Raining at night - Mason drew lumber - Hiram went up to Gerry & Mr Hult came up from Town - Otis in trouble with sweed
Tuesday 19
Pleasant - I am washing - Hiram & Otis went up to the Sweeds at the Frank Ferry farm - I am washing again today
Wed. June 20, 1894
Pleasant - Mr & Mrs Hooper & Mr Mrs Vandewark came here - Father Sealy came here - Hiram at home all day - Mason drew lumber - Otis went to Town
Thursday 21
Pleasant all day - Hiram & Mason went up to Gerry - cut logs and drew to the mill - drew lumber home at night - I am cleaning hous
Fri. June 22, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram toock Calves to Kenerdy to sell - Mason drew lumber - Fred & Amel working on the road - I ironed & buisy all day long
Saturday 23
Sun. June 24, 1894
Pleasant - we went to meating to day - we all qite well & it is work all of the time
Monday 25
Rain verry hard - I am washing a little - the men all at home all day helping rais the Barn & mowing the first
Tues. June 26, 1894
Pleasant - I am washing again to day - our men buisy about the farn & building a Barn
Wednesday 27
Pleasant - the men around home & drew lumber &
stone - I am about the hous work
Thurs. June 28, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram helping Mr Simms lay wall under the Barn - Mason & Fredric drew
Friday 29
Pleasant - the men drew their hay in - Mason sowing Buckwheat - I am ironing - had one jar of Butter whole weight 7½ pounds
Sat. June 30, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Mr Simmons
laying wall under Barn - Mason
drew lumber - I am bakeing and
getting meals - Otis came verry
near getting killed the waggon
whee [wheel] run over his head
Sun. July 1
Pleasant - we were at home all day
- HN & Ashley & myself went up to
Otises a little while
Mon. July 2, 1894
Raining at night - Mr. Simmons
laying wall under Barn - Hiram
in the woods cutting sleepers
for the Barn - I am washing -
Otis is sowing buckwheat
Tuesday 3
Pleasant - HN went to Town -
Mason mowing - I am around the
hous to work - Mr. Simmons
werking for Otis
Wed. July 4, 1894
Hiram & Mason haying - Fredric
went to Town - I am at home all
Thursday 5
Pleasant - all day the men haying - we are all qite well - I thank my Lord for all things done for our eternal welfare
Fri. July 6, 1894
Pleasant - the men haying a little to day - all at home all day - happy day that fixed my choice - it makes my heart rejoice
Saturday 7
Rained - Cristelle & Ashley & myself went up to Berdet Strongs - Mason drew lumber - Hiram at home all day
Sun. July 8, 1894
Pleasant - we went to church - Masons folks had cumpany
Monday 9
Pleasant - we washing - the men haying - Otis traided his engine for a farm with Jim nicols
Tues. July 10, 1894
Pleasant - the men haying - I went down to Roses & Cristelle also one jar of Butter
Wednesday 11
Pleasant - Hiram went to Town - we picking curents & went up to Otises & picked them over - haying every day
Thurs. July 12, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Ashley & myself went up to Hoopers - HN went to the village
Friday 13
Pleasant - the men all haying all day - I am at home all day
Sat. July 14, 1894
Pleasant & verry dry indeed - the men in the hay field every day
Sunday 15
Pleasant - Still we went to meating Fred Cristelle & myself
Mon. July 16, 1894
Pleasant - the men haying on the Williams place - Cristelle & myself toock their dinner to them - Mr Elis toock the mowing machine to Town
Tuesday 17
Pleasant - the men haying all day - I am picking peas & buisy all day
Wed. July 18, 1894
Pleasant - the men buisy haying - I washing to day
Thursday 19
Pleasant - men still haying every day - they are all tired out - our milk went to Falconer - the first
Fri. July 20, 1894
Pleasant till night & then we had rain & we was glad for it was verry dry indeed - Otis finished haying - our men haying every day - I went & picked berries
Saturday 21
Raining - our men around home except Mason went up to Peat Johnsons - we had 1 jar of Butter 7 pounds
Sun. July 22, 1894
Pleasant - we went to qartely meating at Gerry - had spiritual meating indeed
Monday 23
Raining - the men did not do mutch in haying - I am buisy also - we are all qite well
Tues. July 24, 1894
Rain some of the time - Mason went to Town - Hiram went to Falconer after windows - Ashley went with him
Wednesday 25
Pleasant - the men drew hay in the afternoon - I ironed & buisy all day long I am drying Peas
Thurs. July 26, 1894
Pleasant - the men all at home a haying - Cristelle & myself went up to Otises at night a little while
Friday 27
Pleasant - our men haying as fast as they can - Addie Sealy came here - Hiram rote a card to mowing machine man
Sat. July 28, 1894
Pleasant - men a haying - I am getting ready for camp meating - I am tired out
Sunday 29
Pleasant - Cristelle toock Addie Sealy up to Gerry - we at home all day
Mon. July 30, 1894
Pleasant - the men haying - I am getting ready for camp - it makes us a great deal of work
Tuesday 31
Pleasant - we started for camp meating - Hiram toock the load & Cristelle & Ashley & myself he drove back home at night
* * *
[Camp meetings were outdoor religious revival meetings that typically lasted from a few days to a week. It's likely the camp Ellen attended was held on the grounds of present-day Chautauqua Institution, founded in 1874 by an Methodist inventor and a Methodist Episcopal bishop. It began as a tent-camp assembly where Sunday School teachers were trained, and grew to a place with permanent structures - cottages, rooming houses, inns, and hotels - where people still gather in the summer to attend programs about religion, the arts, music, and education.]
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An 1897 Rand McNally map of Chautauqua County, NY (Pinterest) The red line represents the location of the Bemus Point-Stow ferry. The Sealys could have used the ferry (at the time it was a raft that was rowed or pulled across the lake) or traveled around the lake to get to Chautauqua. Either way, the nearly 22-mile trip would probably have taken over five hours one way with four people, luggage, and other items in a carriage or wagon pulled by two horses. Travel on the dirt roads of the time was even more difficult due to the hilly terrain of the area. |
* * *
Wed. Aug. 1, 1894
Pleasant - we at camp putting up our things
Thursday 2
Pleasant - we are on the camp ground - haveing a good time - we had a jar of Butter
Fri. Aug. 3, 1894
Pleasant - we are still on the camp ground still - Maryett Hooper came here on the ground
Saturday 4
Pleasant - we are Still upon the camp ground - we are having a pleasant time - the Lord be praised
Sun. Aug. 5, 1894
Pleasant - we are on the camp ground - a great many people here - we are here in jesus name
Monday 6
Pleasant & verry dry - we are still at camp
Tues. Aug. 7, 1894
Pleasant - we are still at camp meating
Wednesday 8
Pleasant - the camp meating out
Thurs. Aug. 9, 1894
Pleasant - we came home to day - it is qite sickley
Friday 10
Pleasant - I am washing - the men at work on the road- Ashley sick to day
Sat. Aug. 11, 1894
Pleasant - we washing - HN went a berrying - Mason went to Town
Sunday 12
Pleasant - Fred & myself went to church - HN staid at home all day - Mason & Cristelle went over to Mungers
Mon. Aug. 13, 1894
Pleasant - the men killed hogs - Mr & Mrs Erving came here after a trunk - I am cleaning the chaimber
Tuesday 14
Pleasant - Mason toock hogs to Town - Hiram drew in Oats - Otis drew a log to the mill
Wed. Aug. 15, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Amel weeding carots for Otis - I ironed - Cristelle coloring yarn
Thursday 16
Pleasant - the men makeing fence upon the Williams place - I am qite buisy to day
Fri. Aug. 17, 1894
Pleasant - Cristelle & the children went up to gerry & I went down to L R Barmore - our men drew Barley & makeing fence
Saturday 18
Sun. Aug. 19, 1894
Raining a little - HN Sealy ME Vandewark & myself & AD Sealy went to church
Monday 20
Pleasant - HN & OR Sealy went to Town to see about note - I am around the house to work - Mason & Amel making fence - Fred went a Berrying - we had 1 jar Butter weight 9#
Tues. Aug. 21, 1894
Pleasant & verry dry - the men up to the Williams farm tairing down the old Barn - I ironed & doing the hous work
Wednesday 22
Pleasant dry no rain - we went to old lady Hatch funeral - the men putting the roof on Masons hous
Thurs. Aug. 23, 1894
Pleasant - our men at work up on the Williams Barn - Mason drew a load of wood to Falconer - Cristelle & the children & myself went up to Otises a little while
Friday 24
Pleasant - dry as ever - a famin awaits us
Sat. Aug. 25, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & myself went up to the Village to see about selling his hous - I went to Hoopers - bought one sack Flour
Sunday 26
Pleasant & awful drye everything almost dead - we went to church - Mason & Cristelle & the children went over to Ed Vandewark
Mon. Aug. 27, 1894
Pleasant dry dry as never before - People feeding hay to their stock - grasshoppers thick - Otis had his Suit up to Gerry
Tuesday 28
Pleasant - Mason Cristelle & the children went up to Harrises to annaversey
Wed. Aug. 29, 1894
Pleasant - mason went to Town - Hiram & Fred & Amel making a bridge
Thursday 30
Pleasant & awful dry - Hiram went to the Village - Cristelle & Ashley went up to Searses - Lucinda & Edna came here - Otis horses nearly drouned in the crick
Fri. Aug. 31, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & myself went up to see Lucinda Barmore - Mason drew wood to town - Cristelle cleaning hous
Sat. Sept. 1
Pleasant - Cristelle & the children & myself went down to Jack Loxes [Lenox's?] - Hiram & Fred & Mason went to Town bought Fred a new suit of cloths - Mason had his teeth filled - had one jar Butter weight 9 + 8 oz
Sun. Sept. 2, 1894
Pleasant - Hot & Fred went to church - Ella Vanderwark & Lin & Hoss [?] & Lesley came here - staid all night
Monday 3
Pleasant - Ella & myself went up to Otises - I Baked Bread & Cookies & Pies & canned can of Peaches
[The Mason Jar was invented in 1858. The Ball Corporation began manufacturing the canning jars in 1884. Prior to this, people in cold climates dried, smoked, pickled, salted, and fermented food to preserve it through the winter. They also canned food using a rather unreliable method that involved corking glass jars filled with food, sealing them with wax, wrapping the jars in canvas, and then boiling them.]
Tues. Sept. 4, 1894
Pleasant - I am washing - Hiram & Amel stretching more fence - Mason went to the fare
Wednesday 5
Raining - I canning plumbs - Hiram went to the village - Mason went to the fare
Thurs. Sept. 6, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram went to the village to get his hous rent - Mason went to the fare - I am about my hous work doing a little of every thing
Friday 7
Pleasant - Cristelle & the children & myself went over to Pattersons with carpet warp - Hiram went to Town - Mason went to Levant after lumber
* * *
[Carpet warp is the yarn used by weavers when making woven rag rugs. The warps run vertically around the horizontal frame bars on the loom, while the wefts (rag strips) run horizontally.]
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Warp and weft yarns in weaving (Wikimedia) |
Raining - Mrs Hooper & Luela Erving came down - Hiram at home all day - Mason drew wood to Falconer
Sunday 9
Pleasant - we went to Levant to meating - Bro Post preached
Tuesday 11
Pleasant - we washing -
Selma & Gertrude came down [Gertrude, my grandmother, was almost two year old. Selma was about six weeks away from giving birth to another daughter.]
Wed. Sept. 12, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Ashley & myself went to Jamestown - Bought Ashley & Margarerette a new pair of Shoes
Thursday 13
Rained - our men in the woods to work - I am sick with a cold - Cristelle had bee to sew carpet rags - one jar Butter 8-3/16#
Fri. Sept. 14, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & myself went to Gerry to see if thare was a meating - Mason drew wood to Town - Otis went to Town - we are qite well - I am thankful to the Lord
Saturday 15
Pleasant - Hiram & Fred & Amel in the woods - Mason drew wood to Falconer - Cristelle & the children & myself went over to Patersons - & picked elder Berries
Sun. Sept. 16, 1894
Pleasant - we did not go to church - Lewis & Betsy & Otis & Selma came here - Cristelle & the children went over to Mungers
Monday 17
Pleasant - Hiram & Amel after Bull of Mikels - Mason in the hous all day - I am sick to day did not wash
Tues. Sept. 18, 1894
Pleasant all day but raining at night
- Mason & Cristelle & the
children went up to Tompkenes on a visit - Hiram
drew lumber all day - I made Bread &
pies & coockes to day
Wednesday 19
Raining - Mason went to Jamestown bought himself a new Suit of cloths - Hiram drew lumber for the new Barn - we washing & so on
Thurs. Sept. 20, 1894
Rained - the men at work on the Barn - I went over to Mason’s a little while - Otis came down at night
Friday 21
Pleasant - Otis & the Boys makeing Barn yard fence - Mason drew wood to Falconer - I am about my work all sorts of it - HN sold his bull - Otis & Selma went to Town
Sat. Sept. 22, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & myself went over to Brother Crosses at night - Mason drew wood to Falconer - Otis & Selma to Jamestown
Sunday 23
Rained - we went church at Waterboro - the men went in the evening
Mon. Sept. 24, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Mason came home from
Crosses - Mason drew wood - Otis cutting up corn - Fred went to School - the note still running for Otis
Tuesday 25
Pleasant - Hiram & the Boys shingled Masons hous - I am makeing coockes & doing hous work - Verry buisy indeed - one jar of Butter weight 9 2/16#
Wed. Sept. 26, 1894
Pleasant - Mason drew wood - Hiram at home all day - they are shingleing roof to Masons hous - I am to buisy to tell all about it - the man came to buy cattle
Thursday 27
Pleasant - Hiram went to buy cattle to day - Mason drew wood
Pleasant - Hiram off with the man buying cattle - Mason drew wood - I am canning tomatoes
Saturday 29
Pleasant - Hiram still off with the man - Fredric & myself washing - Mason & Cristelle & the children went to Gerry
Sun. Sept. 30, 1894
Pleasant - we went to Gerry to meating
[Right: Canned fruits and vegetables (LOC)]
Mon. Oct. 1
Pleasant - HN went off to buy cattle again for man -
Mason drew out wood - I am buisy all the day long
Tues. Oct. 2, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram & Cristell went to Town - Mason helping the man car cattle & drew out wood
Wednesday 3
Pleasant - Hiram drew wood & corn - I am tieing my crazy work qilt - I am not feeling a bit well
Thurs. Oct. 4, 1894
Pleasant - I went ove to Masons - Hiram about home all day - Mason went up on Harris hill - Otis traided horses with Damon - Thank the Lord for all of his mercies to me
Friday 5
Sat. Oct. 6, 1894
Pleasant - got washing - Fred is a home to help - Hiram at home all day - Mason drew wood - the Lord is good I am loocking up
Sunday 7
Pleasant - we went to meating - Mason & Cristelle went up at night to hear a woman from Afraca lecture
Mon. Oct. 8, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram painting floor & picking apples - Mason drew wood to Falconer - I am coocking - HN went to Town school meating at night
Tuesday 9
Raining - Mason went to Town he bought himself a new suit of cloths - HN at home all day - I am at my trade man work is between sun & sun but Womans work is never done - the men at work on the Williams Barn
Pleasant - the men at work on the Williams Barn & gathering apples - I am ironing - Hiram went to Town - had one jar of Butter 8 + 10 oz
Thursday 11
Pleasant - I went over to help Cristelle tie her cumfater [comforter] - the men at work on the Barn & picking apples
Fri. Oct. 12, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram toock his father up to Jerry Sealys - I went up to Otises a little while - Mason drew wood to Falconer
Saturday 13
Rained & thunder & lightning - we washed & the men gatherd apples - I am bakeing Bread - Otis traided a colt for a horse - lightning burned Mr Fishes Barn
Sun. Oct. 14, 1894
Snowing - we were at home all day - it is verry lonesome to day
Monday 15
Pleasant as summer - our men at home all day husking corn - Otis traided oxen with Gard Walker - I am buisy indeed
Tues. Oct. 16, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram at home all day at work around home - Mason drew wood to Falconer - I am making coockes doeing all kinds of work - Selma came down & Conrad also
Wednesday 17
Pleasant - Hiram helping McMillen use the scraper - Mason went to Town - I am at my trade at hous work
Thurs. Oct. 18, 1894
Pleasant - I am cleaning house - our men at home all day - Papering & Scraping with the road scraper - Otis traided horses
Friday 19
Pleasant - we had thrashers [threshers] & Otis also - I went up to Otises a little while
[The "thrashers" were probably a group of farmers who helped each other complete the labor-intensive, time-consuming job of separating grain, such as wheat, from the stalks and husks by beating the plants so the seeds fell out. It's possible the Sealys or another farmer had a threshing machine but the job would still require a group of men.]
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Drawing of a horse-powered, portable thresher from a French dictionary, published in 1881. (Wikimedia) |
Oct. 20, 1894
Pleasant all day - I am cleaning house - Hiram helping Amel paper - Mason went to Falconer with wood - Fredric helping Otis draw corn
Sunday 21
Pleasant - we went to hear Sister Perkin preach & went over to Lewises a little while - Otis & Conrad rode out - nice as summer
[The Sealys attended the Free Methodist Church of Gerry. It was organized in 1880 and in 1883, "an excellent church building was erected." Hiram (H. N.) Sealy is among those who "contributed largely." See The History of Chautauqua County, New York and Its People, published 1921 (Google Books, p. 190)]
Mon. Oct. 22, 1894
Pleasant - we washing - Mason went to Falconer with wood - Hiram around the Barn to work - HN he sold one cow for 30 dollars
Tuesday 23
Pleasant - Hiram went to Town to see about his law suit - Mrs Yong & Mrs Vinsent came to see me - had 1 jar of Butter weight 8¾
Wed. Oct. 24, 1894
Rained - Hiram at home all day - Mason drew wood to Falconer - I am at home all day - Otis traided a hors for 2 cows
Thursday 25
Pleasant - Hiram around home all day - Mason drew wood - Otis & Conrad came down to Masons
[The notation at the top of the page says, “a lock of Catrens hair.” This page is slightly torn probably from a pin holding the hair in place.]
Saturday 27
Pleasant - Hiram went to Falconer - Otis went to Town - Sold timmber to Mr Wells - Mason drew wood to Falconers
Sun. Oct. 28, 1894
Pleasant - HN & Fredric & Ashley went to meating - I went up to see the new Baby of Selmas & Otises
Monday 29
Pleasant - to day we washing - HN & Amel at work on Masons Barn - Mason drew out wood all day - I am washing & bakeing pies & Bread
Tues. Oct. 30, 1894
Rained - Hiram up to Masons place fixing fence & scraping the road with the scraper
Wednesday 31
Raining - Hiram & Otis went to Town - Mason at home all day - I made cooces & went over to Masons a little while
Thurs. Nov. 1, 1894
Pleant - Hiram off to buy cattle with Ben Munge - Mason around home all day - I am ironing & buisy all day
Friday 2
Pleasant - Hiram still off with Munger to buy cows - Mason around home all day - Otis down here in the morning a few minutes
Sat. Nov. 3, 1894
Ashley & Margurette with me all day - Fridric went to the village with appels for sell - Cristelle went up to Searses
Sunday 4
Pleasant but cloudy all day - I am at home all day - HN is away to day - I do not know whare with Munder looking for cows
Mon. Nov. 5, 1894
Rained a little - I went over to Masons - Hiram is still away - Mason at home all day - Hiram came home - Otis went to Town
Tuesday 6
Pleasant - Hiram & Mason went Election & to Town - I am busy all day - Otis went to Election
[Women would not be able to vote for 26 more years.This was a mid-term election year; President Grover Cleveland, a Democrat, was in his second term. Democrats lost over 100 seats in the House and four in the Senate.]
Wed. Nov. 7, 1894
Pleasant - the men at home all day - drew I went over to Masons a little while
Thursday 8
Snowing - Hiram had his law Suit - Mason was a wittnes - Cristelle went up to Otises - Selma Baby 2 weeks old to day - Otis went up to Moons to see Cutter to cut feed
Fri. Nov, 9, 1894
Snowing - Hiram & Otis went up to Moon Stasion & to the village to see man that bought our stone house - Mason went to Town bought feed - I made Pies & Bread & over to Masons
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Kitchen with a Garland stove - ca. 1900-1910. (LOC) |
Snowing - Hiram & Fredric went after the sheep & colt upon the Star lot - Mason after the cattle in the swamp - I am doeing my work
Sun. Nov. 11, 1894
Snowing - we at home all day except going Otises to see the Bab
Monday 12
Snowing a little - Hiram went off with Ben Munger after cows - Mason around home all day - Hiram away yet - Fredric went to School - Otis comensed to draw milk - we toock our milk out to day
Tues. Nov. 13, 1894
Snowing a little - Hiram has came home to night - I went over to Masons - Otis drew our milk for the first - Mason around home all day fixing Barn
Pleasant - Hiram around home all day - Mason went to Faconer bought us 1 pound of coffee & himself 1 sack of flour & coffee - Otis went to Town bought feed & contracted Turkeys
Thurs. Nov. 15, 1894
Pleasant - all day Hiram went to Stockton to see EM Miller - Mason around home all day - Cristelle went over to Mungers with HN - I am around about my work - [collected?] 3 dollars from Sinclairville [man?]
Friday 16
Pleasant - Hiram boarding up under the Barn - I am bakeing Bread & Pies - Mason killed a cow - Hiram settled up with Mason - Otis off to buy skunk fur
Sat. Nov. 17, 1894
Pleasant - Mason toock a load of Lumber to Jamestown then sold for 6 cts only - Sold 4,25 pounds - Hiram at home all day - I am at my hous work to many sort to mention
Sunday 18
Pleasant - we went up to the Prostent church at Gerry - Mason went to Hoopers - Mr Hult up to Otises
Mon. Nov. 19, 1894
Snowing - Hiram & Mason around home all day - a man here to dinner wanting our men to sell Phosphate for them - Otis drew milk - I am home at work - killed a Beef
Tuesday 20
Pleasant but a high wind - the ground covered with snow - Hiram went to Town bought Felt Boots for Mason & Amel & himself & me a new pair of shoes - Mason & Cristelle went over to Harrises he sick
Wed. Nov. 21, 1894
Pleasant Mrs Trasler [?] & Mrs Kilbern came here - Mr Hooper staid here all night - Hiram & Mason caring [carving] Bark at home all day - Otis down borrowed 40 cts
Thursday 22
Pleasant - Hiram & myself went down Falconer Store to trade a little - Mason & Cristelle & Ashley went up to Hoopers - bought one tob [tub] of Butter - Otis plowing
Fri. Nov. 23, 1894
Pleasant - the men all home all day taring down the old Barn - I am making Pies & at all sorts of busness
Saturday 24
Snowing & blowing - we washing - Hiram went to Town the going is verry bad - Mason barcking his house
Sun. Nov. 25, 1894
Snowing & blowing - we did not go to church - Lys [?] Vandewark here to day
Monday 26
Pleasant - Hiram & Mason & Amel at work around the farm - I am busy - Cristelle & Grace went to Gerry the children over here
Tues. Nov. 27, 1894
Wednesday 28
Snowing but no Sleighing yet - Hiram went to Elington with Malory to traid horses - I went over to Masons - Mason & Amel in the woods to work
Thurs. Nov. 29, 1894
Thanksgiving to day - Pleasant indeed - Mason & Cristelle went up to Searses - HN & myself & Ashley & Marguerett went up to Otises a little while
Friday 30
Snowing no Sleighing yet - Hiram & Amel to town - Mason & Amel & Fred around home all day - Selmas birth day today
Pleasant - the men in the woods drew logs upon the Skid way - Otis went after Skunks - I am at work in the Parlor & made Bread & cake & Pies
Sunday 2
Snowing - we were at home all day - Mason went up to see Mr Harris - no Sleighing yet
Mon. Dec. 3, 1894
Pleasant - we washing - Brother Cross & wife came here - Hiram went to Town - Otis bought Skunks skins - Mason & Mr Ellis skiddg logs
Tuesday 4
Pleasant - Hiram & Mason & Brother Cross in the woods - Sister Cross & myself went over to Masons a little while
Wed. Dec. 5, 1894
Pleasant as Summer - Brother Cross & wife went home - Hiram & Mason in the woods to work - I am around the house to work
Thursday 6
Pleasant - the men building a Depot - HN helping to build it - Mason & Amel and Fred Skiddind [Skidding] logs - I am cleaning my dinning room
* * *
[Hiram helped build a depot on December 6-8 and 11. There was a depot in Ross Mills in 1881 but perhaps it was destroyed in the Ross Mills fire. See February 23 map and March 17 entry.]
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"ON THIS SITE the first train came through Ross Mills in 1871 and ran for just over 100 years." |
* * *
Fri. Dec. 7, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram at work upon the Depot - Mason in the woods & Fred & Amel also - I am doing my house work
Saturday 8
Pleasant - Hiram helping build the Depo - Mason in the woods skidding logs - Otis drew milk to Town
Sun. Dec. 9, 1894
Snowing a little - no sleighing yet - we at home all day to day - Mason & his family here to dinner - Otis qite at home
Monday 10
Rained - Hiram & Cristelle went to Town traded a little & went over to Masons - Mason working in the woods - Otis went to Town - Ashley & Marguerette over here - we bought box of soap
Tues. Dec. 11, 1894
Pleasant - high winds indeed - Hiram at work upon the Depot - we washing - I went over to Masons - Mason & Amel in the woods to work
Wednesday 12
Snowing a little - no sleighing yet - Amel got lost in the woods - Hiram went to Gerry - I went up to Otises a little while - Fred at school
Thurs. Dec. 13, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram went to Town - Mason & Amel in the woods - Frank Honqist settled with HN & I am buisy all day
Friday 14
Pleasant as Summer to day - Hiram & Fredric went to Levant to get feed & Groceries
Sat. Dec. 15, 1894
Pleasant - HN & myself went up to Hoopers after our Butter - Mason toock appels to Levant toock a Lamb
Sunday 16
Pleasant - Hiram went to church & Fred also - I am at home all day
Mon. Dec. 17, 1894
Pleasant - we washing - Hiram went to Town with Samuelson to see about deed for Charley Newton farm - Mason & Amel at work in the woods
Tuesday 18
Pleasant - HN sold an old cow to Samuelson & went up to Honqists - Mason in the woods to work - Fredric went over to Mungers after ashes
Wed. Dec. 19, 1894
Pleasant as summer to day - Hiram & Holmqist & myself went to Town to make out the deed for the Newton farm - Mason & Amel in the woods to work
Thursday 20
Pleasant - Hiram went to Town to day finished up the buisnes for the farm - I mad Bread & coockies & Pies also & went over to Masons a little while
Fri. Dec. 21, 1894
Pleasant all day - Hiram working on the depot - Mason & Amel at work in the woods - Fredric went to School - I am at work at my trade house work
Saturday 22
Pleasant - Lewis & Betsy here a little while - Hiram making crout [kraut?] - Mason went to Town - Otis down a minute to Borrow a little money to buy Skunks Skins - I am qite busy all day
Sun. Dec. 23, 1894
Pleasant as Summer to day - we went to Gerry to Church - all qite well indeed
Monday 24
Pleasant - no Sleighing yet we are getting ready for Cristmas - Mason & Cristelle went to David Harris funeral - Hiram around home all day
Tues. Dec. 25, 1894
Cristmas Pleasant - we had a Christmas dinner over at Masons thare as qite a few thare - Hiram had a nice Preasent an Over Coat - I had no preasent - Otis & Selma at home
Wednesday 26
Snowing - Hiram & the Boys fixing the Barn for winter - qite warm now - Mason went to Faconer to get the harness - running Critters for the first tim this winter
Thurs. Dec. 27, 1894
Snowing - HN fixing the Barn - Mason drew wood to Falconer - I am busy around the house
Friday 28
Snowing - the men all fixing roads to the woods - all qite well - Cristelle came over a little while & the children also
Sat. Dec. 29, 1894
Pleasant - Hiram went over to Cases to see about money & Settled with Jack Lonx [probably Lennox] - I went over to Masons - Marguerette was 3 years old to day
Sunday 30
Snowing - Hiram fell in the Barn hurt him verry bad but we are thankful to the Lord it did not kill him - the Lord has not got through with him yet
Mon. Dec. 31, 1894
Snowing - Hiram in the house sick from the fall in Barn - Mason went to Town to day - Fred drew wood to Jim Clark - I am buisy all day
Notes for 1895
January the 1 1895
Hiram & myself at home all day - Mason & Cristelle went over to Mungers to New years dinner - Selma out to Town & the children also - Otis at home all day
Jan the 2
Hiram still in the house sick with his Back from the fall in the Barn - Mason drew a load of wood to Clark - I am arong [around] the house - the Lord be praised for his goodness to us
Friday the 3d
Hiram at home all day Mason at home also - Fred drew wood to J Clark - Selma & Mrs Hult & all of the children came here [Otis Conrad, age 3½, Gertrude, 2, Kathryn, 2 months]
1 pound coffee
2 qarts molasses 5 gallons oil
2 pounds crackers
Saturday 6th
Mason & Fred drew wood - Hiram around home all day - I am Bakeing & cleaning house
Sunday 6th
Otis & Selma came down - we all at home all day
Monday 7th
we washing - Brother McGeary & Lewis & Josept Trusler came down to see Hiram - Hiram went up to Gerry & up to Fred Barmore
Tuesday 8th
Hiram went to Town - Mason & Amel drew hay - Fred went to school - I am busy all day long - Sold 4½ doz Eggs
Wednesday the 9th
Selma & Gertrude the Baby came down - Otis in the woods - Hiram went to Levant - Mason & Ame & Fred killed the hogs - Ashley & Marguerette came over here
Thursday the 10
Raining all day - the men around home all day
Friday 11
Hiram & Mason went to Town with hog & chickens - bought Fred a new cap - Mason paid his interest - Otis in the woods
Saturday the 12th
Hiram went up Gerry - hired money $80 dollars of the dutchman - Mr Martins people & Mrs to Masons
Cash Account – March
Corry Newton
Corry Newton
L Peck
Chaut Co Bank
First National
Cash Account - October
Dec 16th Sold milk
7 qarts milk
7 qarts milk
9 qarts = =
10 qarts = =
11 qarts = =
10 qarts = =
11 qarts = =
10 qarts = =
Cash Account - November
Church days
Easter Sunday April 2
Low ------------------------9
Rogation May 7
Asention Thursday 11
White Sunday pentecost 12
Corpus Cristi June 1
Cash Account - December
[This is most likely the train schedule for the depot Hiram helped build.]
Morning Express going down due at Ross Mills ½ past 8
Morning Express going up due at Ross Mills 15 min to 10
Evening Express going up due at Ross 15 min to 5
Night Express going down due at Ross Mills 10 min to 5
Cash Account - December
90 Stitches
on the ancle of
Fredrickes sock
− End of Ellen Elizabeth Barmore Sealy’s 1894 Diary –
Bradish-Scott Family History - November/December 2022